11th Chlumec Town Ball

11th Chlumec Town Ball

City of Roses Ball 2024, Blatná

City of Roses Ball 2024, Blatná

Roses of 2024 - Golden Jubilee A vibrant evening of dance will…

3rd ball of Luhačovice town

3rd ball of Luhačovice town

Moderated by Marek Vašut and Hanka Srncová The ticket price includes a…

Týnec nad Sázavou Town Ball

Týnec nad Sázavou Town Ball

We invite you to the traditional Ball of Týnec nad Sázavou. From…

Salsa ball Liberec

Salsa ball Liberec

We will end the ball season in Liberec with a great show.…
